Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger Point Therapy

massage limassol joint mobilisation

Joint Mobilisation Technique – Massage Limassol

What is a Joint Mobilisation Technique? – Joint Mobilisation at Ravel massage Limassol
We use our joint mobilisation technique integrally with our advanced remedial massage and musculoskeletal therapy treatments at our clinics, Ravel Massage Limassol in Cyprus.

Joint mobilisation is a very broad technique, meaning “movement of a joint”. However, it is the intent and specifics of […]

Trigger Point Therapy

swedish massage limassol therapeutic massage

Swedish Massage Limassol – Ravel Therapeutic Massage Therapy

Swedish Massage Limassol – Ravel Therapeutic Massage
Swedish Massage is the foundation of many of types of massage modalities such as remedial massage, deep tissue massage, etc. It generally involves using broad strokes with the whole of the therapists hands, in flowing strokes at varying speeds and intensity. The overarching objective of Swedish massage is to induce […]

Trigger Point Therapy

upper back pain Ravel Therapies massage in limassol

Upper Back Pain – Professional Massage in Limassol

Upper Back Pain – Causes
The causes and symptoms of upper back pain can be quite different to those causing lower back pain, because the upper back is fixed to the ribs which limit its range of movement. At Ravel Massage in Limassol, our professional massage therapists carry out assessments to help identify the cause of […]

Trigger Point Therapy

neck pain treatment limassol massage

Neck Pain Treatment – Limassol Massage Therapy

Neck Pain Causes – Ravel Limassol Massage
Neck muscles go right up into the head, down to the middle back and across to the tips of the shoulders, and therefore neck pain is usually associated with headaches, shoulder pain and upper back pain. At our Limassol massage clinic, our therapists drill down to the root cause […]

Trigger Point Therapy

shoulder pain ravel therapies massage limassol

Shoulder Pain – Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol

Shoulder Pain: Assessment and Treatment at Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol
Due to the huge range of movement that the shoulder joint is capable of, there is a wide range of possible shoulder pain causes, from a pinched nerve in the neck (sometimes accompanies by neck pain) to tendonitis of the shoulder muscles. This is why at […]

Trigger Point Therapy

knee pain ravel massage limassol cyprus

Orthopaedic Massage for Knee Pain – Ravel Therapies Massage in Cyprus (Limassol)

What Causes Knee Pain? Assessments at Ravel Therapies Massage in Cyprus
The knee joint would appear at first sight to be a very simple joint, moving in just one plane, but in reality it is quite different. The knee is a complex joint capable of moving in more than one plane, with a number of structures […]

Trigger Point Therapy

Muscle Energy Technique – Ravel Limassol Massage

Muscle Energy Technique Cyprus: Massage therapy at Ravel Therapies Limassol Massage
Muscle Energy Technique (MET) is a suite of simple soft tissue therapy techniques used by sports therapy and physiotherapy practitioners to either help release or strengthen muscle fibraes. Muscle energy techniques are essentially neurological techniques designed to “trick” our normal neurological responses and reset their function. For […]

Trigger Point Therapy

myofascial release therapy Cyprus ravel limassol massage

Myofascial Release Therapy Cyprus – Ravel Massage Limassol Therapy

Myofascial Release Therapy Cyprus – Ravel Massage Limassol
Myofascial release therapy is a massage technique involving the gentle relaxation of myofascia, which is a sheath-like material wrapping each of our muscles and muscle fibres. Restrictions in the mobility, flexibility and fluidity of this membrane are a major cause of myofascial pain and other related symptoms.

Myofascial therapy […]

Trigger Point Therapy

trigger point therapy cyprus

Trigger Point Therapy Cyprus – Ravel Therapies Limassol

Trigger Point Therapy Cyprus – Ravel Therapies Limassol
Trigger points, technically known as myofascial trigger points, are hyperirritable spots in the sheath around muscles called myofasica. If you feel those tight “knots” in your muscles, it may be time to visit one of our trigger point therapists for a trigger point therapy treatment in Cyprus.

Trigger points […]