musculoskeletal therapy

musculoskeletal therapy

rib pain massage limassol

Rib Pain – A Case Study Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol

Ravel Massage Limassol – Rib Pain Causes
Ribs are attached to the spine in the upper back, and most of them are also attached to cartilage in the front, which in turn attaches to the sternum. Ribs can get jammed or slightly misaligned at both joints, causing rib pain when they do. Chiropractors refer to these […]

musculoskeletal therapy

ravel massage limassol shoulder arm pain

Arm and Shoulder Pain – A Case Study Ravel Massage Limassol

Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol – Arm and Shoulder Pain Causes
Arm and Shoulder pain are very common complaints in our modern lifestyles. They often come about from our tendency to hollow out our body which presents as rounded shoulders and forward head position. Right from leaning forward to look at our screens for extended periods of […]

musculoskeletal therapy

massage limassol jaw and neck pain

Jaw and Neck Pain – A Case Study with Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol

Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol – Jaw and Neck Pain Causes
The jaw joint, also known as the Temporomandibular joint (or TMJ) is close associated with mechanics of the neck, and the other way around. One example of this is the forward head position, so common among office workers, which tends to lower the lower jaw. The […]

musculoskeletal therapy

sciatica treatment limassol massage

Lateral Hip Pain – A Case Study with Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol

Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol – Lateral Hip Pain Causes
Lateral hip pain occurs for a number of reasons, ranging from inflammation of the lateral hip bursa to a strain in the gluteus medius muscle, located on the side of the hip. Read on to see how we treated Mr A* for lateral hip pain at our […]

musculoskeletal therapy

sciatica treatment limassol massage

Massage Limassol – Sciatica Treatment at Ravel Therapies

What is Sciatica?
Sciatica is pain felt deep in the buttocks or down the back of the legs, and can be caused by a number of different underlying issues. Sciatica is not really a condition itself but refers to Sciatica pain experienced from one of these conditions. At Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol, we have a number […]

musculoskeletal therapy

carpal tunnel syndrome treatment limassol massage

Massage Limassol – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

Ravel Massage Limassol, Cyprus – What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
If you suspect you have carpal tunnel syndrome, book in with our advanced remedial massage and musculoskeletal therapist for an assessment at Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is caused by the compression of a nerve called the median nerve as it passes through the […]

musculoskeletal therapy

thoracic outlet syndrome ravel massage limassol

Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol – Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Treatment

Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol explains Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
You could have Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) if you have a sharp or shooting pain in your arm, or tingling in your arm or fingers. Meeet our orthopadic massage therapist for thoracic outlet syndrome treatment at Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol in Cyprus.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome refers to the compression […]

musculoskeletal therapy

taping techniques massage limassol

Taping Techniques Cyprus – Massage Limassol Ravel Therapies

Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol – Our Taping Techniques
We use a range of tapes and taping techniques for various purposes at Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol. The main aims of taping are usually to help protect joints, to improve muscle function and to aid in healing. We incorporate taping techniques, as appropriate, in our remedial massage treatments.

We […]

musculoskeletal therapy

ravel massage limassol patella maltracking

Patella Maltracking Cyprus – Massage Limassol in Cyprus

Massage Limassol  – Patella Maltracking Treatment with Ravel Therapies
Do you have patella maltracking problems causing you knee pain? If so, you could benefit from visiting our remedial massage therapist to have your knee pain symptoms assessed and treated. Ravel Therapies – Massage Limassol in Cyprus.

Patella maltracking refers to the misalignment of the kneecap, known as […]

musculoskeletal therapy

scoliosis treatment cyprus massage limassol

Scoliosis Treatment Cyprus – Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol

What is Scoliosis? – Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol
Scoliosis is a three dimensional twistng of the spine in three dimensions. In most cases, scoliosis does not create any symptoms, however in more serious cases it can cause pain and discomfort as well as change the appearance of posture. Visit our Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol clinic to […]