Massage Limassol – Neck Stiffness
Neck stiffness is a very common complaint. Neck stiffness is rife in our society due to our working postures and can very quickly become a chronic problem. It can very from being just a mild annoyance to an intensely bothersome pain. If you have neck stiffness or neck pain, it is well work a visit to our orthopaedic massage therapist at Ravel Therapies massage Limassol.
In our modern society, we are constantly working on computers and gadgets. These devices require us to move our heads forward, in order to comfortably view them, and maintaining this unnatural posture for extended periods creates all manner of trouble. It is quite common for us to either lose or increase the natural curvature of our necks as a result, and this can either compress the joints or strain the musculature around the neck, both of which result in chronically strained neck muscles.
This excess build-up of stress on the neck muscles predisposes them to injury. Any sudden movement in the end of their normal range of movement could result in straining a muscle.
It is also quite common for people to wake up with a stiff neck. This usually happens when they have slept in an awkward position for an extended period of time, unnaturally stretching and straining muscles. It may also be associated with upper back stiffness.
Treatment for a stiff neck at Ravel Massage Limassol
The treatment for neck stiffness at our massage Limassol clinic will depend on what our massage therapists finds during the assessment of his clients.
In acute situations, such as when a client has woken up with a stiff neck, it is usually just a muscle strain, which will resolve within a few days with treatment. The objective is to precisely locate the affected muscles, which are often the posterior muscles on the side of the neck called the posterior scalenes, and a deep, central, posterior neck muscle called the splenius cervicis. These muscles can then be treated gently in a manner that aids healing of the torn fibres.
In chronic cases, it is imperative that a full postural analysis is carried out, in order to establish the improvements that our required to remove the strain which is manifesting on the cervical (neck) region. The position of the pelvis and lower back play an important role in the upper back and neck posture, and so must also be addressed.
As in the acute case, the affected muscles are identified and treated first. Neck mobilisations and joint release of any fixated joints form part of the long-term treatment plan.
Visit Ravel Therapies Orthopaedic Massage Limassol
Ravel Therapies
Noe 3, Ayia Phyla
Limassol 3117
Cyprus [map]
Call : 97 783 383
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Disclaimer : Please note that the contents of this article are the opinions of the author only, and do not constitute medical advice. If you have any symptoms of pain, please consider booking in with Ravel Therapies for a proper consultation.