Ravel Massage Limassol – Upper Shoulder Pain Causes

Upper shoulder pain is very common among people with desk jobs due to sustaining misaligned postures such as forward head position and rounded shoulders. If you have persistent upper shoulder pain that doesn’t respond to typical massage treatments, book in for an assessment and remedial massage treatment by our orthopaedic massage therapist. The cause of the upper shoulder pain is often a shortened upper trapezius (upper shoulder) muscles and shortened muscles in the chest area. However, the causes of upper shoulder pain can vary from nerve entrapment in the spine to rib fixations in the thoracic area.

Upper Shoulder Pain – Symptoms

Mr Z*, a chef, reported chronic left upper shoulder pain and neck pain which had been on going for 2 years. He had received Thai and Chinese massages on several occasions, but they did not help him reduce his symptoms. Over time, the pain had begun to go up to the base of his head also.


Mr Z had a reasonably good posture with a very slight forward head and shoulders, so this was thought unlikely to be the underlying cause of his symptoms. He also appeared to have a slight right thoracic scoliosis, but again of very little significance. Cervical (neck) compression and brachial plexus (major nerve bundle) stretch tests were all negative suggesting no nerve entrapments.  All upper ribs were free, and there was a slight fixation in the first thoracic vertebra. The only positive test result was pain brought on with a resisted range of movement assessment for the upper trapezius muscle. Palpation of the muscle confirmed fibrosis and an active trigger point in the upper trapezius muscle, pointing to a muscle strain.

Upper Shoulder Pain treatment at Ravel Massage Limassol

Sunil was able to commence chronic stage orthopaedic massage immediately. Deep cross fibre friction massage, and myofascial trigger point release techniques were applied to break down the spasms, scar tissue and free up the muscle fibres. Muscle energy techniques were used to encourage nutritional exchange in the fascia and the muscle fibres. Upper shoulder strengthening exercises were provided using tubing, to be performed for 12-15, and upper shoulder stretches were provided to lengthen muscle fibres and assist the recovery process.

The Result

Mr Z returned for weekly visits initially. For the first two weeks, he noticed short-term relief from the stretches. He was advised to continue his exercises and be prepared to have patience, as he has had this condition for over 2 years.  By the third treatment, Mr Z reported that the pain had begun to subside and that the relief from the stretches was lasting longer. By the fourth treatment, he reported significant improvement and was now very optimistic of making a complete recovery.

* Please note that the client’s personal details have been concealed for confidentiality purposes, but this report is a true, factually accurate case study.

Visit Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol

massage limassol shoulder pain relief

Ravel Therapies
Noe 3, Ayia Phyla
Limassol 3117
Cyprus [map]

Call : 97 783 383
Email : sunil@raveltherapies.com.cy


Disclaimer : Please note that the contents of this article are the opinions of the author only, and do not constitute medical advice. If you have any symptoms of pain, please consider booking in with Ravel Therapies for a proper consultation.