Scoliosis Overview – Massage Limassol Cyprus
Scoliosis is considered a medical condition where the spine adopts an unnatural lateral curve. The curvature of the spine itself is usually painless, however in cases where the curve is significant, people can get back spasms and pains, or pain down their legs, and in extreme cases even breathing difficulties. If you have scoliosis, visit us at Ravel Therapies – Massage Limassol – for massage therapy based treatment and corrective exercises to help improve your condition.
Scoliosis is often considered to be idiopathic – which means that there is no known cause. It is considered to be triggered due to genetic and environmental considerations.
The scoliosis curve is often a C-shape or an S-shape, when viewed from the back or front, but can often be more complicated, and contain a number of secondary compensatory curves all the way up into the neck. Scoliosis is typically classified as structural or functional. A functional scoliosis is one which corrects in certain positions, confirming that it is the muscle imbalances that are pulling the spine out of alignment. A structural scoliosis is considered to be more permanent, where the joints have “set” into the scoliosis shape.
Exercise therapy is commonly used to help correct or limit progression of scoliosis. In extreme cases, braces and surgery are also used to reduce scoliosis.
Treatment of Scoliosis – Massage Limassol
As muscles move bones (bones do not move by themselves), they play a vital role in creating a scoliosis in the first place, and then maintaining the abnormal shape. At our clinic in Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol, the focus of our treatment is to correct the muscle imbalances, which are sustaining this condition.
The treatment starts with a detailed assessment of the shape of the curve. If x-rays are available, they help considerably with plotting the curve accurately. This information is then used in conjunction with a range of muscle length and stretch tests to understand where the dominant and weak muscles area. Typically, muscles in the back on the convex side of the curve are weak and develop trigger points, and those on the concave side are overactive and short. Other important muscles that play a role in scoliosis are the deep hip flexors (iliopsoas), the lateral trunk muscles (lattissimus dorsi), and the leg and hip muscles.
Exercise therapy plays a very important role in the treatment. Exercises are usually unilateral (one side only) for each muscle targeted, as the aim is to correct the imbalances. The client will be able to notice the difference in strength from one side to the other side, which again confirms the lack of balance in strength between left and right.
How much improvement the client will notice is a factor of many things. Treatment regularity, persistence and diligence with the exercise therapy, client mindset and attitude all play a key role.
Visit Ravel Therapies Orthopaedic Massage Limassol
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Noe 3, Ayia Phyla
Limassol 3117
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Disclaimer : Please note that the contents of this article are the opinions of the author only, and do not constitute medical advice. If you have any symptoms of pain, please consider booking in with Ravel Therapies for a proper consultation.