Book in with Stella for a Kinesiology consultation to unravel your true self, letting go of any limiting beliefs and patterns which may be impacting you on a physical, mental and emotional level, so that you may function at your greatest potential.
Using Muscle testing, Kinesiology, and Resonate Essences, Stella will help you tap into your body’s innate wisdom, and guide you towards your optimum state of balance.
What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology embraces Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
Kinesiologists use ‘muscle monitoring’ as a biofeedback tool to assess the various systems of the body, and identify any energetic and functional imbalances, which underlie a person’s state of health. Drawing upon ‘Applied Kinesiology’ techniques, used by chiropractors and Chinese medicine applications of acupressure and meridian systems, the re-balancing of the body on many levels, supporting
neurological and physiological function, is achieved. Through this profound changes may also be experienced mentally, emotionally and physically.
Kinesiology is non-invasive energetic healing.
Blocks or stresses which cause imbalances in the energetic system may manifest as physical pain, mental discomfort and many expressions of dis-ease, including food/substance intolerances, depression, postural problems, poor performance levels, learning and relationship difficulties, digestive and nervous disorders.
The real goal of any Kinesiology ‘balance’ is to identify the cause of an imbalance and then resolve it. It may be nutritional, emotional, structural, psychological, energetic or even spiritual – something as simple as an ‘attitude’, or memory.
Muscle monitoring gives instant access to information held by the subconscious mind. It holds all our memories and a wealth of information about our physical, emotional, mental and energetic states, and also determines our muscle tension. Accessing the body-mind through muscle monitoring guides the kinesiologist to find the core issue and intervene to reinstate the body’s balance and aid it towards an innately natural state of health.
Kinesiology Concepts and Techniques
“I learned that knowledge not yet in my mind, was in my body.” Ellen Goldman
Kinesiology acknowledges the body’s innate wisdom and healing processes that are programmed to sustain optimum health and balance in the individual. This energy is based on the Chinese concept of meridian lines, which not only relate to muscles, but to every tissue and organ in the body. If as a result of injury, emotional trauma, nutritional or other unresolved stress these energy flows become interrupted or blocked, the entire body can be affected.
Kinesiology accesses these energy flows by testing muscle function, which reflects the body’s overall state of structural, chemical, or emotional/mental and spiritual well-being. Correction techniques used to restore mind-body balance include:
- Holding, tapping or gently rubbing specific reflex/acupressure points
- Meridian tracing/’massaging’
- Affirmations and visualisations
- Sabotage pattern clearing
- Light touch and chakra/aura balancing,
- Gem and flower essences
- Nutritional testing and support
Kinesiology does not treat or diagnose named diseases but looks beyond any symptoms, helping the body into a better state of harmony, and enable self-healing.
Kinesiology in Today’s Context
“Deep within us there is a natural intelligence operating that houses a multitude of information.” Richard K Heckler
When it comes to our state of well-being, be it mental, emotional or physical, in today’s fast-paced world we have learnt to rely on quick-fixes and ‘popping pills’ to make the problem go away, whilst further masking the underlying cause. In the process, the very basic yet vital communication line between body and mind appears to be overlooked. Kinesiology, with its muscle testing tool, allows us to tap into the very core issues beneath the stresses that manifest as ‘dis-ease’, and begin on a journey to find our true nature – one of vitality and