jaw and neck pain

jaw and neck pain

massage Limassol trapped nerve

Trapped Nerve Pain – Massage Limassol

Trapped Nerve Pain – Massage Limassol
There are many locations in the body where nerves often become entrapped. Nerve entrapment irritates the nerve locally, often causing inflammation, but also radiates pain along the nerve down into the toes or fingers. If you think you may have a nerve entrapment, then drop in to see our orthopaedic […]

jaw and neck pain

Facet Joint Syndrome – Massage Cyprus at Ravel Therapies

Limassol Massage Cyprus – Facet Joint Syndrome overview
If you have regular, unexplained, episodes of sharp lower back or neck pain, or continuous, chronic neck and lower back aches, you could have facet joint syndrome, also known as facet joint dysfunction. Come in to Ravel Therapies at Limassol Massage in Ayia Phyla for a detailed assessment […]

jaw and neck pain

upper back stiffness massage Limassol Ravel

Massage Limassol – Upper Back Stiffness

Upper Back Stiffness – Massage Limassol Cyprus
Upper back stiffness is very common in our modern lifestyles, which usually involve sitting for long periods in one position, and can often cause upper back pain. Sometimes a stiff upper back can be painless, but may lead to dysfunction and pain elsewhere such as in the neck or […]

jaw and neck pain

scoliosis treatment massage limassol

Massage Limassol – Scoliosis Treatment and Exercise Therapy

Scoliosis Overview – Massage Limassol Cyprus
Scoliosis is considered a medical condition where the spine adopts an unnatural lateral curve. The curvature of the spine itself is usually painless, however in cases where the curve is significant, people can get back spasms and pains, or pain down their legs, and in extreme cases even breathing difficulties. […]

jaw and neck pain

cyprus massage mortons neuroma treatment

Massage Limassol Cyprus – Morton’s Neuroma Treatment

Morton’s Neuroma Overview – Limassol Massage Cyprus
Morton’s neuroma refers to the entrapment of the plantar digital nerve, which typically occurs between the third and fourth toes on the base of the foot. If you get toe pain in this area, check in with our orthopaedic massage therapist for assessment and treatment.

Typical Morton’s neuroma include getting […]

jaw and neck pain

neck stiffness massage limassol

Neck Stiffness – Massage Limassol, Cyprus

Massage Limassol – Neck Stiffness
Neck stiffness is a very common complaint. Neck stiffness is rife in our society due to our working postures and can very quickly become a chronic problem. It can very from being just a mild annoyance to an intensely bothersome pain. If you have neck stiffness or neck pain, it is […]

jaw and neck pain

massage limassol jaw and neck pain

Jaw and Neck Pain – A Case Study with Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol

Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol – Jaw and Neck Pain Causes
The jaw joint, also known as the Temporomandibular joint (or TMJ) is close associated with mechanics of the neck, and the other way around. One example of this is the forward head position, so common among office workers, which tends to lower the lower jaw. The […]