Upper Back Stiffness – Massage Limassol Cyprus
Upper back stiffness is very common in our modern lifestyles, which usually involve sitting for long periods in one position, and can often cause upper back pain. Sometimes a stiff upper back can be painless, but may lead to dysfunction and pain elsewhere such as in the neck or lower back. If you have any back or neck pains or stiffness, check in with Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol for a consultation.
The vertebrae of the upper back are designed to move with the ribs, and are able to rotate, forward and back bend, and also side bend slightly. When we move in these dimensions, we engage all the vertebrae in our spine, as well as our head and hips. If there is a restriction in any one area of our body, then other areas have to compensate by accommodating the additional movement required. This is very evident in the back and neck, where for example, a restriction in the upper back, may make the neck or lower back work harder and therefore drive pain and dysfunction to those areas.
Upper Back Stiffness Assessment – Ravel Therapies Cyprus Massage
Stiffness in the upper back is relatively easy to assess. There are simple range of movement tests which will establish the amount of flexion, extension, rotation and side-bending possible. Our massage Limassol therapist will follow up this quick scan with a detailed palpatory assessment of the thoracic spine and ribs, looking for joint fixations and rib fixations, responsible for the underlying stiffness.
The muscles around the back and chest are also assessed for length and strength to get an understanding of any underlying factors which may be contributing to the upper back stiffness.
Upper Back Stiffness Treatment at Massage Limassol
Our treatment for upper back stiffness includes remedial massage, deep tissue massage, joint release techniques, and trigger point massage therapy among many others. Techniques are carefully chosen to suit the specific client’s symptoms and needs.
Any fixations in the spine and ribs are released as part of the treatment using gentle joint challenge techniques which work with the body in producing the release. Breathing techniques are also used to assist with releasing rib fixations.
Trigger point massage therapy may be required for weak muscles which may have developed active trigger points, radiating pain to other areas.
The lumbar, hip and neck areas are also assessed and treated to release any compensatory dysfunction, which may manifest during the assessment and treatment process.
Finally, the client is given exercises to help improve their range of movement, correct any muscle imbalances that are affecting the condition, and sustain the increased range of movement achieved from the massage treatments.
Visit Ravel Therapies Orthopaedic Massage Limassol
Ravel Therapies
Noe 3, Ayia Phyla
Limassol 3117
Cyprus [map]
Call : 97 783 383
Email : sunil@raveltherapies.com.cy
Disclaimer : Please note that the contents of this article are the opinions of the author only, and do not constitute medical advice. If you have any symptoms of pain, please consider booking in with Ravel Therapies for a proper consultation.