Post-Injury Finger Muscle Tightness – Overview

It is quite common for people who suffer injuries to their arms or fingers, to lose full range of motion in their fingers. This is especially so if they have undergone surgery to help repair broken bones and torn tissue, etc. This can occur for a range of reasons, including anatomical changes resulting from surgery, such as plastic surgery and reattaching of muscles, and even as an effect of the body’s response to trauma.

Post-Injury Finger Muscle Tightness – Symptoms

Ms D* had a FOOSH (falling on outstretched hand) injury 9 months ago, and broke her radial bone, which is the outer bone of the forearm. She had to undergo urgent surgery, where a plate was inserted to hold the bone in place and allow it to heal.

Soon after surgery Ms D lost significant range of movement in her fingers, and was unable to make a fist with her affected hand. Her finger knuckles had also enlarged in size, and she was unable to wear the rings she previously used to wear. There was no pain, but a feeling of a lot of tightness in the tendons around her fingers.


Our remedial massage therapist, Sunil, carried out a few kinesiology muscle tests to check for any muscles which had weakened or had impeded neurological function, but all the relevant muscles were found to function well. Sunil then applied further musculoskeletal muscle range of movement tests to isolate the muscles which had shortened.  The main finger extensor muscle which attaches up near the elbow was found to be the main culprit.

Sunil used joint compression, distraction and grinding tests to confirm that there were no obvious signs of joint degeneration, ligamentous damage, or arthritis in the finger joints which had enlarged since the operation.

Guided by his palpation observations, Sunil hypothesised that the enlarged joints were most likely the effects of fibrotic changes in the tendons surrounding the joint as a result of chronic inflammation from the accident and surgery.

Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol – Finger Muscle Tightness treatment

The key guiding principle behind Sunil’s massage treatment plan was to perform techniques to lengthen the finger extensor muscles and tendons, and to break down fibrousness and any scar tissue around the finger joints.

Sunil employed hold-relax muscle energy techniques and post isometric resistance (PIR) stretching to help lengthen the muscle and tendon fibres. He also used cross fibre massage strokes applied specifically in a direction to roll the muscle fibres into a “normal” position to help the muscle restore proper function.

Brisk cross fibre frictions and passive (applied by the therapist) mobilization techniques were used to reduce inflammation in the joints and break down fibrousness.

The Result

After the first remedial massage session itself, Ms D noticed an immediate change in the range of movement. She also felt other parts of her body release when the finger stretches were applied, and commented on how she felt the trauma was being released.

By the third weekly massage session, she was able to wear the rings she had stopped wearing, and was able to make a loose fist. By the fifth session, the client felt she had at least 80-85% of her previous, normal range of movement.

Sunil has advised the client to expect to need another 3-4 massage treatments to restore 100% of her range of movement.

* Please note that the client’s personal details have been concealed for confidentiality purposes, but this report is a true, factually accurate case study.

Visit Ravel Therapies Massage Limassol

finger muscle tightness limassol massage

Ravel Therapies
Noe 3, Ayia Phyla
Limassol 3117
Cyprus [map]

Call : 97 783 383
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Disclaimer : Please note that the contents of this article are the opinions of the author only, and do not constitute medical advice. If you have any symptoms of pain, please consider booking in with Ravel Therapies for a proper consultation.