Trigger Point Therapy Cyprus – Ravel Therapies Limassol

Trigger points, technically known as myofascial trigger points, are hyperirritable spots in the sheath around muscles called myofasica. If you feel those tight “knots” in your muscles, it may be time to visit one of our trigger point therapists for a trigger point therapy treatment in Cyprus.

Trigger points can develop all over the body, usually in tight or weak muscles and radiate pain to surrounding and often distant areas. For example, trigger points in your upper shoulders can radiate pain up into your head causing headaches, which may not resolve until the trigger points are addressed. Some of the most common trigger points are the (upper shoulder) Trapezius trigger point, the (posterior shoulder) Infraspinatus trigger point and the (deep buttock) Piriformis trigger point.

Trigger points often form as a result of lifestyle factors such as poor sitting postures held for long periods, which lead to muscle imbalances, which in turn can lead to the development of trigger points. Therefore any trigger point therapist should also consider these lifestyle factors and provide their clients with education and homework to help with trigger point release. The homework will usually involve stretching of the involved muscles, and may also include the application of pressure on specific pressure points using certain aids.

Trigger point massage typically involves the application of pressure on the trigger point while taking the muscle through its range of movement, and holding it in specific positions. It can also involve the use of trigger point dry needling, where needles are inserted into the trigger points until they release.

Trigger Point Therapy Cyprus – Our Treatment at Ravel Therapies

At Ravel Therapies, our trigger point massage therapists use a combination of the traditional techniques and advanced soft-tissue techniques to release trigger points. Our advanced techniques include the use of simultaneous cross-fibre moves and joint mobilisation to help bring about a full release of the trigger point, as well as the use of myofascial release techniques. Trigger point therapy need not be painful – in fact the therapist will always work within your pain threshold at all times.

We use Trigger point therapy for a range of conditions including carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, headaches, etc. Ultimately the long-term success of releasing trigger points will depend on the ability of the therapist to look at the full picture, and not just the local symptoms. Trigger point therapy, by itself, may only provide temporary relief. To bring about lasting relief, it is vital to understand and address the underlying causes of the trigger points, and then start implementing the lifestyle changes and exercises that will prevent those trigger points from coming back!

Looking for Trigger Point Therapy Cyprus? Book in with our advanced Trigger Point Massage therapist.


trigger point therapy cyprus

Ravel Therapies
Noe 3, Ayia Phyla
Limassol 3117
Cyprus [map]

Call : 97 783 383
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Disclaimer : Please note that the contents of this article are the opinions of the author only, and do not constitute medical advice. If you have any symptoms of pain, please consider booking in with Ravel Therapies for a proper consultation.